Software Evolution Lab (SEL)

The primary mission of the Software Evolution Lab (SEL) at Florida Tech is to advance the state-of-the-art in evolving complex software systems in a disciplined manner. This includes research related to legacy system reengineering, reverse engineering & program understanding, and software maintenance. The systems in question can be traditional software applications, or they can be Web-based applications.

The secondary mission of the SEL is to advance the state-of-the-practice in software evolution by transitioning results from the lab into widespread use. We do this through evidence-based arguments (such as empirical studies) that objectively support the efficacy of the techniques in question. Issues related to technology adoption are necessarily a part of this effort.

As an example of our recent work, we are looking into SOA testing from a security perspective (SOAT), and software testing in the cloud (STITC). In the past, we investigated the impact of test-driven development (TDD) techniques, such as Extreme Programming (XP), on long-term software maintenance costs.

Contact Information

Dr. Scott Tilley
Department of Computer Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, FL  32901


+1 (321) 674-7045
+1 (321) 674-7046

Last updated October 17, 2011 by Scott Tilley.